
"Sand Room" began when she started living in a room covered with 200 kilograms of sand in 2016. Since then, she has been presenting sand installation artworks.
井手尾雪(Yuki Ideo)
アーティスト / 株式会社BACK HILL 代表
また、自身の制作プロセスの分析をきっかけに、1ページのノートをつくってよむことを通して内なる声を聴くツールである「DROP NOTE / ドロップノート」を開発。人々が思考や創造をするための空間設計、ワークショップの開発を行い、企業向けの研修なども手がける。
Yuki Ideo
Artist / BACK HILL Inc. CEO 
In 2016, she began living in a small room in Tokyo with 200 kilograms of sand, which led her to create the "Sand Room," a series of installation works covered with sand.
She also developed "Drop Note," a method of creating notebooks that resemble a map of the world based on his own creative process. He develops toolkits and workshops to help people think and imagine/create.